Jack + Jill Preschool is a high-quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment while promoting the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of young children.

Our preschool program goal is to teach young children the core social skills that prepare them for kindergarten and beyond. These skills boost children’s confidence, increase their ability to build healthy relationships with others, and help them as they adapt to new environments and rising expectations.

Our Christian Curriculum

Although we do not teach theology or doctrine to the children, we do believe that the clear teaching of the Bible is the most important subject in the Christian School. The curriculum has been planned so that students will be thoroughly acquainted with the basic portions of the Scriptures. The blessing is prayed over meals and snacks.

Bible songs and prayer are incorporated into each day’s activities and particular emphasis is placed on the Christian holy seasons Christmas and Easter. For these holidays, the Christian meaning of Christ’s birth and resurrection are taught and emphasized. In teaching social skills, love and empathy for others are taught and modeled on Christ’s example.

A Beka Book Curriculum

The curriculum used at Jack + Jill is called A BEKA Book curriculum. The A BEKA Book curriculum is taught to children 18 months to 5 years of age. It is a Christian-based phonics and numbers curriculum that focuses on teaching the children number and letter recognition as well as phonics. Parents purchase workbooks at the beginning of the academic school year (August) for their students. Please check with the office for the most recent A BEKA book pricing. We also teach Bible principles and concepts to the children using the A BEKA curriculum. Additionally, Bible lessons are taught to the children on a weekly basis. The Bible lessons utilize music, puppets, games, crafts, and mini lessons to help your child grow spiritually.

What to Expect at Jack + Jill Preschool

  • Frequent, positive, warm interaction among adults and children.
  • Planned learning activities appropriate to children’s age and development
  • The A BEKA book curriculum to help prepare them for Kindergarten.
  • Trained Teachers
  • Many varied age-appropriate materials
  • A healthy and safe environment for children
  • Nutritious meals and snacks
  • Regular communication with parents
  • Effective administration
  • Ongoing, systematic evaluations